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n. (context astronomy English) the study of planets, planetary systems and the solar system

Usage examples of "planetology".

Luna and had pursued their researches in planetology in many sectors of the solar system.

I could go back home and plug myself in and study up on planetology and try to figure out what the hell Nakada and the Ipsy were really up to, then maybe go back and argue about it.

You people are after basic scientific knowledge, planetology, biology, et cetera.

You care nothing for geology or planetology or the mystery of the Red Moon, or even the Tide, do you?

Cimela slid out of bed to pad naked along the bookcases, touching the antique objects and peering at their titles: fairy tales, science fiction, astrophysics, planetology, psychology.

Smith was therefore able to do research on mammal salt-tolerance both ancient and modern, thus helping to illuminate the current situation on Mars, also joining the debates ongoing concerning the paleohalocycles of the two planets, now one of the hot research areas in comparative planetology and bioengineering.

Imperial Sassan Academy of Geology, Planetology, and Geosciences CHAPTER 25 Sinklar walked into his palace bedroom and found Anatolia propped on the sleeping platform, preoccupation in her haggard eyes.

Susan, the only one in the group with a degree in planetology, argued for an immediate landing on Pointless.

Imperial Sassan Academy of Geology, Planetology, and Geosciences CHAPTER 25 Sinklar walked into his palace bedroom and found Anatolia propped on the sleeping platform, preoccupation in her haggard eyes.