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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Plaintive \Plain"tive\, a. [F. plaintif. See Plaintiff, n.]

  1. Repining; complaining; lamenting.

  2. Expressive of sorrow or melancholy; mournful; sad. ``The most plaintive ditty.''
    --Landor. [1913 Webster] -- Plain"tive*ly, adv. -- Plain"tive*ness, n.


adv. In a plaintive manner.


adv. in a plaintive manner; "the last note of the song rang out plaintively"

Usage examples of "plaintively".

It is a kind of accordeon that the peasants pick plaintively in the doorways of their toubas.

And he sank into a sort of second childhood, clasping his hands and stammering plaintively, terrified, and beseeching compassion, like one whose sufferings are too hard to bear.

Behind him, cops realized their trouserless condition and appealed plaintively to householders to notify headquarters of their state.

Yak bellowed plaintively, a cry of deep, primitive panic, then turned and lumbered off toward the woods, fleeing as rapidly as his trunklike legs could carry him.

I made a fair copy for the Venetian ambassador to send home to the Senate: "MADAM,--I am sure that if, as your royal and imperial highness were walking in your garden, an insect appealed plaintively to you not to crush it, you would turn aside, and so avoid doing the poor creature any hurt.

Alex said plaintively, when Tia got finished with tracing the maze of orders and counter-orders that had interrupted their routine round of deliveries to tiny two to four-person Exploratory digs.

I can still remember the day you arrived unannounced in the Department of Computer Science, plaintively asking if anyone was interested in pattern recognition.

I called plaintively as they left, then returned my attention to hot tamales, cold beer, and the odd body or two.

Through the window the vast, green rolling fells shimmered in the bright light, the narrow road curled endlessly between the fields, and far off an invisible bird called plaintively from the sun-warmed grass.

He went plaintively and found Lomas drinking Russian tea and was embittered.

Mansfield,” Milam Peeples said plaintively, standing on the other side of Tom's felled body, “but here's three hundred and fifty-two dollars in bills.

A fuzzy native animal—either useful for something or a neutered pet, as it would not have escaped homo-norming otherwise—hopping slowly along a hedge, crying plaintively.

A fuzzy native animal-either useful for something or a neutered pet, as it would not have escaped homo-norming otherwise-hopping slowly along a hedge, crying plaintively.

Not wishing to remind the Weyrleaders that they had ostracized him at that point in time, Robinton held up his glass, looking plaintively at the wineskin hanging on Lessa's chair.

He gathered up the reins, the horse beneath him coughed plaintively, and Merton rode him out of the picture.