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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Plaided \Plaid"ed\, a.

  1. Of the material of which plaids are made; tartan. ``In plaided vest.''

  2. Wearing a plaid.


a. 1 Of the material of which plaids are made; tartan. 2 Wearing a plaid.

Usage examples of "plaided".

Indeed, it seemed to us they swaggered in the town, like plaided Highlanders upon the streets of Inverness, conscious of barbaric virtues.

Johnny and the Infant were in citizens' clothes, and the Straggler - as Hood calls John Darby, since the Prestons have been in Richmond - was all plaided and plumed in his surgeon's array.

Perhaps for that reason, though he usually displayed his BIS credentials reluctantly, Martfn found himself reaching into the breast pocket of his well-tailored, faintly plaided suit for his papers.