Pituba is a large upper class neighborhood located in the southeastern zone of Salvador, Bahia. Its main routes, the Avenues Manoel Dias da Silva and Paul VI. Its name is indigenous origin and means "breath, breath, sea".
At the beginning of the twentieth century, Joventino Pereira da Silva, along with his brother-in-law Manoel Dias da Silva, bought the farm Pituba, and together we sketched out the plan City Light. Joventino, which was mining, has brought with it the idea to deploy in a Pituba equal to the modern structure of Belo Horizonte, with blocks divided strategically, wide streets and many beautiful spaces for housing. The project of blending was published in 1919, with report signed by the civil engineer Teodoro Sampaio, and approved by the City of Salvador in 1932. The rummage of the land established the opening of 10 routes logitudinais parallel to the shoreline, some of which were denominated boulevards, and 15 cross perpendicular to the first. It was established in a document of 1915 that the mainstream of the streets, then known as Estrada's Pituba, would be called Avenida Manoel Dias da Silva, formalized by the Municipal Law No 1664 of December 2, 1964. After the creation of Avenida Manoel Dias da Silva and all other transverse and longitudinal, the neighborhood not stopped growing. And there will be 87 years. Step by step, the Pituba born like this: after the work of Joventino and Manoel Dias (above), came the construction of the Avenue Otávio Mangabeira, on the edge, which carried the name of the then governor. Só na década de 1960, Nélson Oliveira, prefeito de Salvador, asfaltou as ruas da Pituba. Only in the 1960s, Nelson Oliveira, mayor of Salvador, the asphalt streets of Pituba. Obra só terminada na década seguinte. Work just completed in the following decade.
Precisely at the turn of the decade from 60 to 70 was that there was verticalization and the process of expansion, with the construction of the Avenue ACM and large real estate ventures, such as Our Lady of Light Park and Park Condominium Jlio Caesar. Then came the Park City, the division of Trees Road, the Shopping Iguatemi (1975) which was the first shopping mall to be built in northeastern Brazil, the Mall Itaigara (1977), among many others. In the 80s and 90s to Avenida Tancredo Neves has consolidated itself as the new economic center of the city, an Avenida Paulista "Bahia. In 1999, the Avenida Manoel Days gone through a reform, having extended its sidewalks and street lighting refeita, giving it a more cosmopolitan air and becoming one of the most valued neighborhoods of the capital Bahia, being recognized for their services and various shops.