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pitch upon

alt. To choose, to pick, to fix one's choice on something or someone. vb. To choose, to pick, to fix one's choice on something or someone.

Usage examples of "pitch upon".

My next Thing then was to contrive how to do it, and this indeed was very difficult to resolve on: But as I could pitch upon no probable Means for it, so I resolv’.

The artillerists kept a steady rain of flaming pitch upon them, igniting three more, but an equal number slipped through the firestorm.

I did not then know she lived at Ramsket, but chance made me pitch upon that place to spend three weeks leave in during the hot weather of '75.

But among all my relations or acquaintances I could not yet pitch upon one to whom I durst commit the gross of my stock, that I might go away to the Brazils, and leave things safe behind me.

Were I to give a model of an excellent confederate republic, I should pitch upon that of Lycia.

On another stricken ship, the soldiers cast flaming pitch upon the monster that ensnared them.

Heaven knows I find it hard enough to pitch upon the true note, right in the middle.