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  1. Having (a particular kind or number of) pistons. v

  2. (en-past of: piston)

Usage examples of "pistoned".

And with the inked and stencilled flashburnt shapes of pistoned or bladed doom came his usual crowd of hangers-on, spectators gripped to each limb, seated on shoulder blades, peering from his jungled chest, hung upside down in microscopic millions in his armpit vaults screaming bat-screams for encounters, ready for the hunt and if need be the kill.

Then the return flow, cool sweet air, pistoned Hell back into its proper region and washed Suilin in its freedom as well.

Jack pistoned his right fist out, not swinging wildly in the Heck Bast style but driving strong and smooth from the elbow.

Even so, they must have silently remarked the glowing heat of our bottoms when we were tapped or tupped or pistoned, or whatever our word might be for the evening.