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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Pistolet \Pis"to*let`\, n. [F., a dim. of pistole.] A small pistol.
--Donne. Beau. & Fl.


n. A small pistol.

Pistolet (bread)

The pistolet (literally "little pistol") is a typical Brussels variety of bread consisting of a small and round bread roll.

The crust is usually hard and crispy, while the inside of the roll is soft.

Usage examples of "pistolet".

Abruptly, the sharp crack of a pistolet burst from the darkness ahead.

The cavalier reached for a pistolet and would have reined in, but the dying horse was now plunging forward, bit in his teeth, breath whistling, hooves thundering down the declivity and re-echoing from the trees.

He dashed up the stairs, and was halfway to the upper floor when a pistolet exploded below.

A mounted courier with sword and lighted pistolet will escort the good doctor to his home and then go on to the inn.

He holstered the pistolet, and holding his light so that it would shine downward, began a slow and careful descent.

Perhaps the creature did not wish to risk an encounter with the pistolet, even turned down simply to stun.

The creature could sense his coming through the network of filaments, and could always manage to keep out of pistolet range.

Thorin recoiled a step and in a lightning reflex movement, drew his pistolet from its holster.

He hung his light on his belt, grasped his pistolet firmly in his right hand, and stepped carefully to the balcony entrance.

He returned to the passageway, and with his pistolet, severed a length of filament.

He fixed the light to his visor, grasped the pistolet in his teeth, and began the ascent.

The pistolet sailed down the corridor, where it slammed into a cluster of webbing.

He picked up the pistolet, turned the heat gauge up as far as it would go, and incinerated what was left of the Araqnid.

He folded the cape up, slipped it into his pack, holstered the pistolet, clamped his light in his visor, reversed the orientor, picked his wife up in his arms, and started out.

I looked down at the Russian-type weapon under my arm: the PPSh41, which stands for, approximately, Pistolet Pulemet Shpagin Type 41, Shpagin being the guy who designed the ugly little beast.