n. A dyed or decorated Easter egg.
Pisanka may refer to:
- Pisanka (Polish), richly ornamented decorated chicken, goose, or duck eggs
- Pisanka River, a river in Perm Krai, Russia, tributary to Vishera River
Polish pisanka (plural pisanki) or jaja wielkanocne (Easter eggs); piski, kraszonki is a common name for an egg (usually that of a chicken, although goose or duck eggs are also used) richly ornamented using various techniques. The word pisanka is derived from the verb 'pisać' which in contemporary Polish means exclusively 'to write' yet in old Polish meant also 'to paint'. Originating as a pagan tradition, pisanki were absorbed by Christianity to become the traditional Easter egg. Pisanki are now considered to symbolise the revival of nature and the hope that Christians gain from faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
There are various types of pisanki, based on the technique and preparation used: