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Pinu village is located about 90 kilometers west of Port Moresby, and an hour and half travel by road on hiritano highway. The villagers passionately call themselves 'Abadi Pinu'. The word "abadi" refers to communal ownership or origin, and it is the name of the local dialect spoken by the people. The word 'abadi' was previously pronounced 'Kabadi' as it was recorded by early European Patrols, however, over time the pronunciation of the word had transformed gradually to abadi. More recently, the word 'Gabadi' has also gain popularity yet, it must be made clear from the outset that 'Gabadi', was reinforced and used by motuan interpreters who accompanied the colonial administrators in the 1800s. It is true that some of the words used today were acquired words and terms from the motuan language, from motuan interpreters and motuan trained missionaries. An anthropologist Dr. W Mesh Strong made an account of Kabadi speaking group in his book page 155 - 160, called 'Notes on the Language of Kabadi' 1912 Consequently, the word 'Gabadi' was printed and recorded instead of 'Kabadi'. Therefore, the historical name to use to identify the people of Pinu is 'Kabadi'. Also, the early European patrols named the village 'Vanuapaka'. This name was used than because it was the biggest village then and it was where the paramount chiefs Aro Ure and Ure Vado lived. Today, the Kabadi people are referred to as 'Gabadi' or Abadi Pinu people. Pinu was recently adopted to identify themselves as the migrants who had briefly settled at the mouth of Aroa river that runs into Agebaga which is now commonly referred to as Toutu Beach. Pinu was known to be a transit village which Kabadis briefly settled after migrating through Nara plains from the mountains of Central Province. For purpose of clarity, 'Kabadi,' Gabadi,' Abadi and/or even Pinu will be used interchangeably.

Abadi Pinu

The people are fair skinnd and generally have a mix of soft and hard afro hair. The women are beautiful, hardworking and cheerful, while their men are solidly built with warrior-like aggression which is attributed to their lifestyle of hunting, fishing and gardening, but more so, to the previous life of migration and post migration era when they were fully fledged warriors. The Abadi men were known for their fearlessness, and loyalty to their chief, but today they are peace-loving and go to great lengths to maintain peaceful co-existence with their neighbouring villages.

The people are subsistence farmers, hunters and fishermen. The surrounding land is flat, and fertile all year around for gardening. Men organise hunting and fishing trips whenever the need arises to supplement their diet. The Pinu people own the majority of land, beachfront and waterways in the surrounding vicinity of the land extending to Galley Reach rivers and tributaries, much of the land along the Aroa river after the Agevairua bridge, and even potions of land extending towards Nara.

The influences of the missionaries and colonial rulers is evident today with order and structure within the village. The village has two lines of houses, with a wide front yard shared by everyone for playing and gathering and many activities. Back yards are planted with coconuts, betelnuts, bread fruits, red bell trees, mangoes and many other trees. The village itself stretches about 5 kilometers in length and about 100 meters wide.