Crossword clues for pinker
a. (en-comparative of: pink)
Pinker may refer to:
Usage examples of "pinker".
Linguistics has four superstars today: Noam Chomsky, Steven Pinker, George Lakoff, and Deborah Tannen.
A clerical gentleman named Pinker, he said, and I gave another of my visible starts, the presentiment stronger on the wing than ever.
I mean, here were we, Stinker Pinker and Bertram Wooster, buddies who had known each other virtually from the egg, and we were talking like a couple of strangers making conversation on a train.
I was talking to Stinker Pinker just now, and he says that Stiffy Byng has something she wants me to do for her.
Uncle Watkyn that her dog Bartholomew had spilled him off his bicycle, causing him to fall into a ditch and sustain bruises and contusions, and she persuaded Harold Pinker, a man in holy orders who buttons his collar at the back, to pinch his helmet for her.
I remember Stinker Pinker telling me once that toward the end of his time at Oxford he was down in Bethnal Green spreading the light, and a costermonger kicked him in the stomach.
And I was still speculating as to what tureen of soup she was planning to land the sainted Pinker in and hoping that he would have enough sense to stay out of it, when Jeeves drove up in the car, a welcome sight.
Ray Pinker holding out two spent shotgun shells and a photo of a shotgun shell strike surface.
Polygraph time: Millard questioning Peltz, Ray Pinker working the machine.
Ray Pinker ran ballistics tests and came up with a match to an old Riverside County bulletin.
She hurried to the dressing table, picked up the hairbrush and swept a few stray twigs of hair back into place, pressed her lips together in order to make them pinker, and straightened the silk gown across her shoulders.
Looking rather self-satisfied, her cheeks pinker than usual, she was sitting at the table opposite a dark-haired man.
Maud put on a dark red lipstick and then used a pinker shade to make little spots on her cheeks.
Claribel had gone a good deal pinker than she already was by reason of her haste and his gaze paused momentarily at her astonished face and then swept on without any sign of recognition.
Her pink cheeks got a good deal pinker, although she tried to keep her voice light.