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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Pinfold \Pin"fold`\, n. [For pindfold. See Pinder, Pound an inclosure, and Fold an inclosure.] A place in which stray cattle or domestic animals are confined; a pound; a penfold.

A parish pinfold begirt by its high hedge.
--Sir W. Scott.


n. An open enclosure for animals, especially an area where stray animals were rounded up if their owners failed to properly supervise their use of common grazing land. vb. (context transitive English) To confine animals in a pinfold.


n. a pen where stray animals are confined

Usage examples of "pinfold".

The Vicar, whose name was Pinfold, possessed in this manner great power in the town, and as he was a man with a high inflamed countenance and a pompous manner, he inspired no little awe among the quiet inhabitants.

It was only as he was setting foot upon the plank and beginning gingerly to pick his way across it, that we discerned the outlines of the familiar form, and realised the dreadful truth that the stranger whom we had taken for the advance guard of our enemy was in truth none other than Vicar Pinfold, and that it was the rhythmic pat of his stick which we heard mingling with his footfalls.

Petulengro, stood before the encampment, and his adopted daughter, Miss Pinfold, stood beside him.

I dismounted, and delivering the reins of the good horse to Miss Pinfold, I took the Jew of Fez, even Hayim Ben Attar, by the hand, and went up to Mr.

Multiply that by all the other villages and hamlets in Britain and you see that the stockpile of ancient dwellings, barns, churches, pinfolds, walls, bridges and other structures is immense almost beyond counting.