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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Pinacate may refer to:

  • Pinacate beetle also known as the stink beetle or acrobat beetle
  • Pinacate, California, small settlement on the Santa Fe Railroad
  • Pinacate Mining District in Riverside County, California
  • Pinacate Peaks are volcanic peaks in northwest Mexico
  • El Pinacate y Gran Desierto de Altar Biosphere Reserve, Mexican biosphere reserve including the Pinacate Peaks

Usage examples of "pinacate".

Pablo told me, and he said to keep Pinacate on my left and head for the coast at Flat Hill.

Ahead of them on their right was a cluster of mesas, on their left ahead high and blue on the horizon, the bulk of Pinacate, a fifteen-mile-long ridge that towered nearly five thousand feet into the brassy sky.

There were a lot of the desert bighorns in the Pinacate country, and as his eyes searched the ground he saw another, somewhat smaller track, partly overlaid by the track of a desert fox.