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n. 1 (context nautical English) A wheelhouse 2 A yacht or other small vessel having a wheelhouse.


n. an enclosed compartment from which a vessel can be navigated [syn: wheelhouse]

Usage examples of "pilothouse".

He passed the stairway to the pilothouse and squeezed past the extra cargo, crates of Kalamata olives and olive oil, sea sponges from Kos.

A string of multicolored lights circled the pilothouse of the towboat, and an artificial, faded green wreath was tacked onto a large life ring on the side, near the name Sophie B.

He jerked upright at the sound of pounding feet and the sight of Augie bursting into the pilothouse, a bloody fish knife in his fist.

It wasn't going to be easy to get someone into the boiler room and the pilothouse.

The pilothouse was constructed of Brazilian rosewood and brass, beautifully restored, with intricate bead-board ceilings.

Before Brown could reply, a shot from Carondelet struck the forward shield of the pilothouse and bounced off, inflicting Brown with a severe contusion on his forehead as he was slammed against the hard iron wall.

His words were broken off as another shot from Carondelet struck one wall of the pilothouse and exploded against the armor.

Walke said excitedly as a shot from Carondelet slammed into Arkansas's Pilothouse.

Above them are the navigation bridge and chart house, radio shack, and pilothouse, and above that is the flag bridge, where the Admiral can keep his eye on the whole task force.

When Goring went up to the pilothouse, he was surprised to feel happy at seeing Clemens and the gigantic titanthrop, Joe Miller.

A 100-pound bolt from a Dahlgren mounted high above an embankment at Fort Hudson bashed into the pilothouse, stunning Chief Pilot Hunt from the concussion and leaving him bloodied from fragments that flew through the viewing slits.

They didn't start her from the fly bridge where I could have seen them, but from the pilothouse.

The pilothouse was at the fore edge of the hurricane deck, and the long texas, containing the captain's and chief officers' quarters, was behind the pilothouse.

He climbed a ladder from the gun deck and entered the pilothouse, a small structure on the forward section of the casemate that was shaped like a pyramid with the top leveled off.

He fled through the boat, through every room of the three-tiered pilothouse, across the flight deck, down the ladder into the hangar deck and through every one of its rooms, down a ladder and through every room of the hurricane deck, down a ladder and through every room of the main deck, down a ladder and into the vast boiler deck.