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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Pillared \Pil"lared\, a. Supported or ornamented by pillars; resembling a pillar, or pillars. ``The pillared arches.''
--Sir W. Scott. ``Pillared flame.''


Etymology 1

  1. Having pillars. Etymology 2


  2. (en-past of: pillar) ''(verb)''


adj. having pillars; "the pillared portico"

Usage examples of "pillared".

CHAPTER VII THE WORK IN PROGRESS On the sheltered side of Eastbourne, just at the springing of the downs as you climb towards Beachy Head, is a spacious and heavy-looking stone house, with pillared porch, oriel windows on the ground floor of the front, and a square turret rising above the fine row of chestnuts which flanks the road.

The procession was headed toward a pillared entrance of the bulding at the end of the boulevard.

Close to the pillared arcades, there was a thick fringe of café tables and chairs, crowded with another thousand people.

Still clutching a drumstick the size of an ostrich leg, he stepped out through a massively pillared portico.

Edge, Autumn, ex-Troop Sergeant Yount and equestriennes Clover Lee and Monday sat, among a number of other and presumably noble spectators, in the pillared gallery above the acre of tanbark riding area, while a string orchestra in the loggia played and eight gorgeously uniformed officers put their eight extraordinary stallions through their extraordinary paces.

But now the sun had set, and in the flickering golden light of torches the court, lined on three sides by tiers of pillared galleries, seemed awesome, hieratic, redolent of ancientness and power.

By midday, however, we reached the great flat top of that mighty wall of rock, and grand enough the view was from it, with the plain of Kor, in the centre of which we could clearly make out the pillared ruins of the Temple of Truth to the one side, and the boundless and melancholy marsh on the other.

It was a fantastic structure that looked half like an old Russian cathedral, with spires and onion domes, and half like a pillared stoa in the tradition of the Parthenonwith some Danish modern mixed in.

What new aspects of its beauty would be revealed to us: the forest grandeurs of the grass, the architecture of its slim shafts with their pillared aisles and pointed arches of interlocking and upspringing curves, their ceiling traceries of spraying tops against a far-away background of sky!

Loud cries, gay laughter, snatches of sweet song, The tinkling fountains set in gardens cool About the pillared palaces, and blent With trickling of the conduits in the squares, The noisy teams within the narrow streets,-- All these the stranger heard and did not hear, While ringing bells pealed out above the town, And calm gray twilight skies stretched over it.

The brooklet was still there and the old pillared portico, where the stone showed from under the crumbling stucco and the roses had pushed their way through the stone paving and entwined the columns.

She returned the novel, a week overdue, to the library that stands on Bridges Street, one of those thick, gray Romanesque concoctions that Andrew Carnegie used to give away across America, pillared, arched, rusticated and domed, at once fantastic and dispiriting.

Both were plainer and more hideous in the great pillared hall than anywhere else, and carried a vague impression of being far below, even in this dark nether world of subterrene mystery.

Spanish moss from the pillared veranda of an antebellum mansion by an imposing liveried black, the sun gleaming on the strong lineaments of his brow arching disdainfully as a decrepit horse and buggy bearing an aging woman and a handsome intense young man standing to snap his whip imperiously came close for an exchange of unheard words to be pointed scornfully on their way, glimpsed from behind a curtain by a ravishingly beautiful young woman in negligee in their retreat back down the drive.

Spanish moss from the pillared veranda of an antebellum mansion by an imposing liveried black there he is!