Pilauda, also known as Piloda is a village in the district of Sawai Madhopur, tehsil being Gangapur city in the state of Rajasthan of republic of India. The village is one of the largest in the district. The village has population of more than 6,038 the majority of them being Tribal, with over 2,000 houses.The village exhibits typical features of the tribal villages of Rajasthan. It has a number of satellite puras which are small constellations of houses in the radial settlement fashion. It is well connected through rail and road having its own broad gauge railway station located between Shri Mahavirji and Gangapur city Railway Station. The famous pilgrimage site of Shri Lahkod Devi has its holy pond nearby attracting crowd of devotees, especially during the month of April on the day of Durgaasthmi and Shri Ram Navami, as a local fair is organized with a number of inter-village competitions such as wrestling or kushti, camel race, bull race, swimming, and cycling. There are huge number of devotees of Ma lahkod, a number of whom give tilakdanda by lying prostrate, making lines with their hands in that position, advancing up to the line drawn and repeating this procedure till they reach the temple, from their homes.
Economy of the village is centered on agriculture and allied activities. About half of the agricultural land of the village lies in command area of canal of Panchna Dam located in the outskirts of the city of Karauli.
Recent years village is fighting with paucity of water as waters of Panchna canal has been held by Rajasthan government for undisclosed reasons. This is creating adversity for vulnerable section of farmers of Pilauda and other villages of Command area. With time the village has transformed remarkably, especially in the field of education having a number of schools, with some them being up to senior secondary level. The village represents a well knit unit of several castes residing in it including Mina, Brahmins, Vaishya, and Dalit and Muslims. Athiti Devo bhav motto of India is truly followed here. The village boasts of no. of Engineering graduates including those from Indian Institute of Technology.