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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Pigeonwing \Pi"geon*wing`\, n.

  1. A wing of a pigeon, or a wing like it.

  2. An old mode of dressing men's side hair in a form likened to a pigeon's wings; also, a wig similarly shaped.

  3. (Dancing) A fancy step executed by jumping and striking the legs together; as, to cut a pigeonwing.

  4. A certain fancy figure in skating.

  5. (Tempering) A color, brown shaded with purple, coming between dark brown and light blue in the table of colors in drawing the temper of hardened steel.

Usage examples of "pigeonwing".

Indian, Pigeonwing, concealed in a neighboring thicket, unable to rescue his friend and wishing to save him from the long hours of awful torture, shot Corporal Flint through the forehead.