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n. (plural of piercing English)

Usage examples of "piercings".

When Owen was finally finished, Bonnie shrugged a few times, her piercings clattering attractively, and then fixed Owen with her gaze.

All her piercings and tattoos and body modifications were gone, blasted away by the energy beam, and not re-created when she healed.

She had rings in her ears and nose, and other less comfortable places, and there were metal studs, needles, and other piercings scattered practically everywhere else on her body.

Hadenmen fists broke Bonnie's dead-white skin and tore piercings from her flesh.

She loved sweeping back her clothes to flash people, and show off her many piercings and body modifications, and soon a small but fascinated crowd had formed around her.

It wasn't long before she had fervent disciples sitting at her feet, working out how to start some piercings of their own.

Barbara realized that if you ignored the piercings he was actually good looking in a thin and hollowed out way.

The tattoos and piercings suggested things Nest would rather not think about.

She endured the looks they gave her, the ones that took in her piercings and tattoos and sometimes the needle tracks on her arms, the ones that pitied her or dismissed her as trash.

The metal rings and studs from her various piercings gave her the appearance of being cobbled together in some fashion.

The girl was a goth-rock vision with multiple piercings on lip, nose, eyebrow, and ears.

And the great thing is, even if you aren't a perfect match, nobody over twenty-five can look someone with eyebrow piercings in the face.

Not only was her hair rinsed purple, and her makeup taken to the extreme, her face covered with various types of faux piercings, but both arms writhed with intricate tattoos.

She also had more metal piercings that most people felt comfortable contemplating, that chimed and jangled as she moved.

The robed figure then clipped weighted chains to the outer labial rings, dragging the cunt flesh downwards, similar loads elongating the nipple piercings into long slots.