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n. (plural of piebald English)

Usage examples of "piebalds".

The Piebalds broke the circle and tried to ride off, but a lucky stone caught one of the riders on the temple and knocked him from his saddle.

All the Piebalds rounded and stood together here, and killed those who followed.

The Piebalds the Prince rode with seemed very organized, almost to a military level.

I longed to reach out to him, but dared not, lest I make the Piebalds aware of me.

And the Piebalds must either abandon their wounded, splitting their party, or come after us more slowly.

I saw with the cat's eyes, and recognized the Piebalds we had battled earlier in the day.

My temper with him was still too high, my thwarted fury at the Piebalds too strong.

And once there, I'd hunt down every one of those Piebalds and kill them slowly.

Dutiful had told me the Piebalds would kill Nighteyes and the Fool at sunset if I had not returned him.

Somehow, I must get the Prince to a safe place before the woman could find us, then slip off on my own to discover where the Piebalds held my friends and then free them.

Perhaps in his present condition, he could not use his Wit to let the Piebalds know where we were.

So I held my knife to the throat of Verity's only heir and watched the Piebalds come.

You take to yourself the name of Piebalds and claim pride in your lineage, yet you go against what Old Blood teaches.

My fear that the Piebalds were some sort of Witted army dissolved into a sickening suspicion that they were actually a Witted mob.

He did not even glance at the Piebalds who grudgingly parted to let him through.