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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Piddock \Pid"dock\, n. [Etymol. uncertain.] (Zo["o]l.) Any species of Pholas; a pholad. See Pholas.


n. Any of the bivalve molluscs of the genus ''Pholas'' or family ''(taxlink Pholadidae family noshow=1)'', which burrow into soft rocks.


n. marine bivalve that bores into rock or clay or wood by means of saw-like shells

Usage examples of "piddock".

Well, he does discuss the piddock and he noted that the hands and mouths of those who ate the creature glowed afterwards, and I confess I was intrigued.

The creatures live in holes in the rocks, which is inconvenient of them, but I pay Caddwg well and he assiduously winkles them out as a proper piddock hunter should.

And smearing a girl with piddock juice brought them to us, but all you can do is bleat about being deceived.