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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Picturesque \Pic`tur*esque"\, a. [It. pittoresco: cf. F. pittoresque. See Pictorial.] Forming, or fitted to form, a good or pleasing picture; representing with the clearness or ideal beauty appropriate to a picture; expressing that peculiar kind of beauty which is agreeable in a picture, natural or artificial; graphic; vivid; as, a picturesque scene or attitude; picturesque language.

What is picturesque as placed in relation to the beautiful and the sublime? It is . . . the characteristic pushed into a sensible excess.
--De Quincey. [1913 Webster] -- Pic`tur*esque"ly, adv. -- Pic`tur*esque"ness, n.


n. The condition of being picturesque


n. visually vivid and pleasing

Usage examples of "picturesqueness".

England in the eighteenth century, when picturesqueness, not appropriateness, was the demand of the times.

He sat facing Victoria Ray and Stephen Knight, and Stephen found it difficult not to stare at the superb, pale brown person whose very high white turban, bound with light grey cord, gave him a dignity beyond his years, and whose pale grey burnous, over a gold-embroidered vest of dark rose-colour, added picturesqueness which appeared theatrical in eyes unaccustomed to the East.

At the heart of all was that quaintness, that picturesqueness of the past, which embodied the spirit of the old Hanseatic city, and seemed the expression of the home-side of her history.