Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
picture card
▪ For no reason he could remember, Jack wondered out loud what a jack was, the picture card.
▪ Mum or Dad shows the top picture card in the tray and then sounds out each of the letters beneath.
picture card
n. 1 A flash memory card for a digital camera. 2 A playing card which has a picture on it (usually Jack, Queen or King (coat card), but sometimes including Ace or Joker). 3 A trade card.
picture card
n. one of the twelve cards in a deck bearing a picture of a face [syn: face card, court card]
Picture card
Picture card may refer to:
- Flash memory card for a digital camera
- Playing card which has a picture on it (usually Jack, Queen or King, but sometimes including Ace or Joker)
- Trade card
- xD-Picture Card
Usage examples of "picture card".
It was the picture card known as the Apparatus, a card whose meaning was not entirely clear to Scarne.