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Usage examples of "piacere".

The frontispiece was a hand-coloured photograph of Celia the First posed like a classical statue against a stone parapet, presumably on the terrace of Il Piacere itself, with a tableau of mountains and blue lake behind her.

European tour operators, who had added our play, and the gardens of Il Piacere, to their itineraries.

Alex, having assured Madeleine that of course her daughter must come to Il Piacere, introduced us round.

Il Piacere, this one had a name: The Stanza degli Angeli, the Room of Angels.

Il Piacere my only hope of finding my way round would have been to leave a trail of biscuit crumbs or unwind a ball of thread behind me, like Theseus in the maze of the Minotaur.

I thought, be used to quite a lot of space, to judge the rooms of Il Piacere as being too small, too confining.

Il Piacere, and I was unprepared for the wash of awareness that swept through my system as his fingers closed around mine, firmly, warmly, without hesitation.

By the time we arrived at the boathouse of Il Piacere I knew I was not only over my head but beyond hope of rescue.

Seeing Il Piacere pass out of my family was not a thing that he looked forward to, but on the other hand he was happy to see the place finally restored, and to know that the furniture and artworks would be kept intact and cared for by the Trust.

Dejected and drenched, I squelched up to the great iron gates of Il Piacere and pressed the buzzer for the intercom.

She claims to have these spirit guides who act as her advisors, and they popped up out of the blue while she was on her tour in Greece and told her, so she says, that something momentous was going to happen at Il Piacere, quite soon I believe, and she ought to be here when it happened.

Un altro motivo, diciamolo pure, trattenne il capitano Thompson da certe indulgenze che la professione sua qualche volta permette: ed era, il desiderio di piacere alla Aurelia.

Michelangelo che abbiam descritto, quel bello e marziale aspetto che natura qualche volta prodiga ad un individuo colla sua capricciosa e maestra mano: capriccio, forse ingiustizia relativamente ai molti che non ricevono tale favore, ma dono che noi ammiriamo sempre con piacere nella persona amata, con odio, nel caso contrario.

From the cobblestones outside and the general journey I guessed that I was in the fabled Cathedral of Cadenza Piacere Greg had told me about.

We moved out of Piacere because it was full of people who wanted to worship me.