Crossword clues for physicists
n. (plural of physicist English)
Usage examples of "physicists".
Davisson and Germer, experimental physicists at the Bell telephone company, were studying how a beam of electrons bounces off of a chunk of nickel.
Instead, physicists know only approximations to these equations, and even the approximate equations are so complicated that they as yet have been only partially solved.
During the past hundred years physicists have accumulated mounting evidence that all of these interactions between various objects and materials, as well as any of the millions upon millions of others encountered daily, can be reduced to combinations of four fundamental forces.
So let me take this opportunity to acknowledge the more than one thousand physicists around the world who are crucial and dedicated participants in the effort to fashion the ultimate theory of the universe.
Through years of research, physicists have experimentally confirmed to almost unimaginable accuracy virtually all predictions made by each of these theories.
Intense research over the past decade by physicists and mathematicians around the world has revealed that this new approach to describing matter at its most fundamental level resolves the tension between general relativity and quantum mechanics.
A similar motivation today energizes a generation of theoretical physicists to pursue a full and precise analytic understanding of string theory.
But the last two decades of research by hundreds of dedicated physicists and mathematicians from numerous countries have given us well-founded hope that we are on the right and possibly final track.
At the turn of the century physicists went to great length to refute it.
Or, might it be that through historical accident physicists have constructed an extremely awkward formulation of quantum mechanics that, although quantitatively successful, obfuscates the true nature of reality?
It is a view held to a greater or lesser extent by some of the most revered physicists of all time.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, physicists calculated the total energy carried by all of the electromagnetic radiation inside an oven at a chosen temperature.
Feynman was one of the greatest theoretical physicists since Einstein.
Nevertheless, physicists by their nature will not be satisfied until they feel that the deepest and most fundamental understanding of the universe has been unveiled.
Namely, in our effort to incorporate quantum mechanics into general relativity we should seek a quantum field theory of the gravitational force, much as physicists have discovered successful quantum field theories of the other three forces.