n. (context dated English) The hobby and sport of muscular development.
Physical culture is a health and strength training movement that originated during the 19th century in Germany, England, and the United States.
Usage examples of "physical culture".
As physical culture is a must in this kind of existence every other damn door leads either to a gymnasium or a swimming pool.
He'd seen her drive a car to the house across the street from theirs, and she denied all the tenets of physical culture by remaining young and graceful while eating like a farmhand and conserving her strength like a princess.
The only exception was an oddball physical culture enthusiast who always drank two quarts of milk for lunch.
Next to the fact of the universality of the higher as well as the lower education, I was most struck with the prominence given to physical culture, and the fact that proficiency in athletic feats and games as well as in scholarship had a place in the rating of the youth.
Male or female, an epicurean or a superbly muscled physical culture addict or an intellectual daydreamer, a child again or an old woman .
Male or female, an epicurean or a superbly muscled physical culture addict or an intellectual daydreamer, a child again or an old woman.
And they have physical culture exercises every morning and evening.