Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
"racial, pertaining to race," 1873, probably coined in German from Greek phyletikos "of one's tribe," from phyletes "fellow tribesman," from phyle (see phylo-).
a. Of or pertaining to phylogeny; phylogenetic
adj. of or relating to the evolutionary development of organisms; "phylogenetic development" [syn: phylogenetic]
Usage examples of "phyletic".
There were three adult clannsmen down there, and he was but a lad, not yet raised up to full phyletic level.
And it would have been unlikely the others would have taken after him, there being small profit in chasing lads still not of full phyletic age.
It was a severe principle, phyletic hygiene, but it averted much suffering.
There are the Wittelsbachs, and the Romanoffs, and the Julian-Claudian house, and the Abbasside dynasty--all examples of phyletic disintegration.
A more recent study of the claim of evolutionary transition of types, as opposed to the uncontroversial fact of variation within types stated: "The known fossil record fails to document a single example of phyletic (gradual) evolution accomplishing a major morphologic transition and hence offers no evidence that the gradualistic school can be valid.