Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
a. Producing a voltage when exposed to light.
adj. producing a voltage when exposed to radiant energy (especially light)
Usage examples of "photovoltaic".
Every block, every home, would be a source of energy, from photovoltaic cells, rooftop wind turbines, maybe even biofuel crops in the backyard.
Beta batteries operate by converting the electrons from beta radiation into light and then converting the light into usable electric energy with photovoltaic cells.
The signal, sent in a fraction of a second, was received by photovoltaic cells, read over to a UHF transmitter, and shot back down by a parabolic dish antenna towards Atlantic Fleet Communications headquarters.
The massive photovoltaic cell ocean that covered Phoenix gleamed a glossy black, except where sunlight reflected up in blood.
Even if a cloud passed over the sun or if a circuit failure put the photovoltaic cells out of action, there is enough power in the storage components to bring us across kilometers, if necessary, to a safe landing.
The wire-enclosed machinery were components of a huge generator undoubtedly fed by giant underground tanks of fuel, and fields of photovoltaic cells to capture the solar energy of the tropic sun.
To begin with they relied on heat-exchange pumps as generators, and photovoltaic cells.
But the photovoltaic cells can't use much of the infrared radiation-the heat-from the sun.
But the photovoltaic cells can't use much of the infrared radiation—.
The top one-third of the skin was lined with photovoltaic cells which shined dull-black in the sunlight.
The umbrella, glistening with jewel-like photovoltaic cells, served as sunshade, solar energy collector, and long-range antenna.
Astro workers had covered its crest with power towers topped by photovoltaic cells.
Situated on the creature's tail assembly are rows of bizarre-looking sensors that we believe are high-powered photovoltaic cells.
The port solar array, fully deployed, was a rectangle coated with big black photovoltaic cells.
We were only involved in the design and construction of the photovoltaic array and thermal reactor.