Crossword clues for phototropic
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Phototropic \Pho`to*trop"ic\, a. [Photo- + Gr. ? to turn.] (Bot.) of or pertaining to phototropism; exhibiting phototropism; same as Heliotropic.
a. Having a tendency to move in response to light. An animal or microbe that is positively phototropic will move toward light. One that is negatively phototropic will move away from light.
Usage examples of "phototropic".
They were phototropic, changing colors to match the background the soldier was next to.
It also held a strip computer with a simpleminded color wheel that could override the phototropic commands so the wearer would not suddenly find herself wearing a pink dress against an orange background.
Alex unrolled the parcel, revealing it was, as Sten had hoped, a set of indigene civilian clothes, a weapons-equipped combat vest, and a pair of phototropic coveralls.
They lay under a carefully positioned phototropic camouflage sheet that now shone a white that matched the snowbanks and dirty rocks around them.
All three someones wore identical phototropic coveralls, combat vests, and bolstered pistols.
He took from the lining of his valise a phototropic camouflage suit and zipped it on.
He wished the Mantis phototropic camouflage was available on the open market, which it of course was not.
All displayed windows formed of the same phototropic material as their goggles.
A motor drove a wheeled platform, steered by a photoelectric unit that approached light sources by which the batteries might be recharged and, when this was done, became negatively phototropic and sought darkness.
As the light brightened and more faces rose to be locked, phototropic, the splendor unhinged some people.
Or that Missi, apparently forever content to hover in the shadow of the alluring Zezula, would spring for a phototropic hair weave that caused her coiffure to change color as well as pattern with every light shift?