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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Photographic \Pho`to*graph"ic\, Photographical \Pho`to*graph"ic*al\, a. [Cf. F. photographique.] Of or pertaining to photography; obtained by photography; used ib photography; as a photographic picture; a photographic camera. -- Pho`to*graph"ic*al*ly, adv.

Photographic printing, the process of obtaining pictures, as on chemically prepared paper, from photographic negatives, by exposure to light.


adv. 1 In a photographic manner. 2 Using photography.


adv. by photographic means; "photographically recorded scenes"

Usage examples of "photographically".

Otherwise, a real bad-o could locate some upperclass cloddy without any immediate friends or relatives, take him out somewhere and finish him off and hide the body, then take the Uni-Credit Card and head off into some other part of the country and, using the same system I did, duplicate photographically the thumbprint.