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photographic equipment

n. equipment used by a photographer

Usage examples of "photographic equipment".

And you ought to see the dark-room he has in the attic: there's a thousand quid's worth of photographic equipment there if there's a penny's worth.

I used Charlie's legacy almost every day, literally in the case of photographic equipment and figuratively in the knowledge he'd given me.

As other Sigint specialists eavesdropped on Soviet technicians rigging for the test, Arnold was fitting the sub's periscopes with special photographic equipment.

Now that the police have seized his photographic equipment, only discarded film containers and empty packets which once held photographic paper betray the room's use.

The manuscript-fragments, carefully laid out on the table-top, were surrounded by photographic equipment and bottles of chemicals.

With his wife in a real bunk and enjoying the gourmet treats of the vessel's galley, Paul hitched a ride back to the chicleros' camp, bringing with him a case of photographic equipment.

It may still be useful to you, but let me know if you need better photographic equipment.

Inside a corner cupboard they found more photographic equipment, including a tripod and an early model Rolleiflex twin-lens reflex camera.

All you would have to do is cut an opaque circle of metal and hold it up in the air at the proper distance from your photographic equipment in order to just block out the Sun's blazing disc.

Jim's cherished possessions were therehis, stereo, his books, his photographic equipment.