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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Phosphoresce \Phos`phor*esce"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Phosphoresced; p. pr. & vb. n. Phosphorescing.] To shine as phosphorus; to be phosphorescent; to emit a phosphoric light.


vb. (present participle of phosphoresce English)

Usage examples of "phosphorescing".

He passed the moons of Sirius Minor, asteroids and clouds of phosphorescing gas, passed the space rangers stations of the Nylaam race and crossed their safe space lanes of blue light, with brigands and bandits in strange craft lurking elsewhere, in a comforting way, sloth-like against his speed.

On the phosphorescing screen, Horatio Slightly finally got hold of that 30mm sub-machine pistol that he so badly needed.

Kerans looked down at the dark shadows below the table, seeing again the faint glimmer of the phosphorescing pools.