n. 1 A writing system used for transcribe the sounds of human speech into writing. 2 A list of standard words used to identify letters.
n. an alphabet of characters intended to represent specific sounds of speech [syn: sound alphabet]
Phonetic alphabet can mean:
Phonetic transcription system: a system for transcribing the precise sounds of human speech into writing
- International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA): the most widespread such system
- :Category:Phonetic alphabets: lists other phonetic transcription systems
- Phonemic orthography: for representing the sounds of a particular language where one symbol corresponds to one sound
Spelling alphabet: a set of words used instead of alphabetic letters in radio communication; each word stands for its initial letter
- NATO phonetic alphabet: the most widespread such set (e.g., Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, etc.)
- :Category:Spelling alphabets: lists other spelling alphabets
Usage examples of "phonetic alphabet".
To be sure, the phonetic alphabet was much less in number than the words in Basic English.
One of the most marvellous inventions for the advancement of mankind is the phonetic alphabet, or a system of signs representing the sounds of human speech.
About the same time phoneticians had analyzed all human tongues into about a hundred-odd sounds, represented by the letters of a general phonetic alphabet.
But the letters representing sound in the phonetic alphabet were each capable ofvariation.
But the letters representing sound in the phonetic alphabet were each capable of variation several different ways- length, stress, pitch, rising, falling.
But the letters representing sound in the phonetic alphabet were each capable of variation several different ways -- length, stress, pitch, rising, falling.
We even tried to get the idea of a phonetic alphabet across, Marie providing the sounds and I the symbols.
The First Team had only given them the basic consonant sounds, assuming a phonetic alphabet.
A word would be typed in Hiragana, the fifty-one-letter Japanese phonetic alphabet, and on the screen would appear the corresponding Chinese ideogram in Kanji.
He started a new page on the screen and continued designing a phonetic alphabet with the expertise of his brainboosted memories.
Tango was the standard phonetic alphabet correspondent to the letter T, T was the twentieth letter in the alphabet and the first names Stanonik had read over the radio were from the T section of the gold Rolodex, apparently arranged randomly and read in a certain pre-arranged order.
If the symbols happen to belong to a phonetic alphabet (as opposed to, say, ideograms), converting them into bits is a trivial procedure, and one that was nailed, technologically, in the early nineteenth century, with the introduction of Morse code and other forms of telegraphy.
As the phonetic alphabet scrolls rapidly across my screen, it at long last loses the tyrannical privilege that it has possessed since Gutenberg.