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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
phone box
▪ Charlie'd said he wanted to phone Lilian and when I come back over the road he was in a phone box.
▪ Despite shock and scratches, she walked to a phone box to call help.
▪ I leapt out of the car into a phone box, and rang through with an apology.
▪ I rang his sister from a public phone box.
▪ Miracle: a phone box empty.
▪ She spotted the out-of-order phone box and drew up beside it.
▪ She takes it and makes for the phone box.
phone box

alt. (context British and Ireland English) A telephone box n. (context British and Ireland English) A telephone box

Usage examples of "phone box".

She drove a short way, found a phone box, and dialled Christ Church, A polite porter informed her that Dr Knowles was unavailable.

This, at last, she accepted, along with his sun block, along with the call from the phone box to Kate on their return to the hotel because he wanted a progress update.

I presume the American sailor told him when Dimitri took the call at the phone box to arrange the drop.

When old Ma Lomas, the eyes and ears of Scardale, took the trouble to subject her arthritis to the biting cold by leaving the comfort of her cottage for the phone box on the village green, he had to pay attention.

Many great devices like the coat hanger release switch have been scrapped because of changes in the phone box.

I retraced Golden Malt's steps to a phone box we had passed in the village and, juggling reins and coins, took the trainer away from his breakfast.

There was a stir of interest at the news of Berenson's odd and very brief call from a public phone box on the previous Wednesday evening.

On a phone box was a sign, attack dog kennels, phone for deliveries, beware of dogs.