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n. (obsolete form of philosophy English)

Usage examples of "philosophie".

Yet Western students of Eastern philosophies and religions persistently accuse Hindus and Buddhists of believing in a featureless and gelatinous God, just because the latter insist that every conception or objective image of IT is void.

American foreign policy in the next four years will essentially extend the philosophies developed .

A recognition of this problem may have been the basis of the assertion by seventeenth-century advocates of organic philosophies that it is impossible to discover the intrinsic, purely objective mechanisms of experienced phenomena.

Likewise, it is just as crucial to make a comparable fourfold distinction with respect to religious practices, religious philosophies, religious doctrines, and religious fundamentalism, as follows.

All these philosophies are based in part on contemplative experience, but, like scientific realism, they also influence what type of knowledge is to be sought.

Casanova died in 1798, but nothing was heard of the Memoirs (which the Prince de Ligne, in his own Memoirs, tells us that Casanova had read to him, and in which he found 'du dyamatique, de la rapidite, du comique, de la philosophie, des choses neuves, sublimes, inimitables meme') until the year 1820, when a certain Carlo Angiolini brought to the publishing house of Brockhaus, in Leipzig, a manuscript entitled Histoire de ma vie jusqu a l'an 1797, in the handwriting of Casanova.

Or, aux yeux d'une philosophie complete, la beaute, loin d'etre un avantage superviciel, un danger, un inconvenient, est un don de Dieu, comme la vertu.

Jacob's Annalen der Philosophie und des philosophischen Geistes, 1795, published a collection of Corrigenda, not only for Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, but for several others of his works also.