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Usage examples of "phillip".

The latter was just about the only thing anyone wanted to talk alwmt -- from Dobie and the owners of the Arabian horses she and Ben had under training, to Josie Phillips and the various service com panies they were dealing with in connection with the party.

It was only when, to prevent his attempting prematurely to escape, Phillip assigned an elderly convict to act as his guardian and had one of his wrists fettered, that Manly became sullen and dejected .

Jonelle enjoyed her dinner companions, a table around which sat younger, hipper people than one might think the staid Phillips into its seventieth year would draw, and danced with now-fellow reporter George Stephanopoulos when they found themselves the only two wallflowers left staring over the blue hydrangeas and red roses.

Before he began, Phillips injected hyoscine, his usual procedure for all operations.

Deanna Foster-Joyer, John Joyer, Bud Murphy, Peggy Dills Kelter, Sally LaVenture, Eric Bucy, Steve Saylor, Kevin Donald, Aina Josefsson, and Deborah Phillips.

Phillip laughed, the impish look in his eyes alerting Michall that the jest was sure to be at his expense.

Phillip startled him with his mocking tone, and when Phillip bowed low as if he were a lowly servant, Michall took note and considered himself duly warned.

Phillip rolled his eyes at Michall as he entered and then turned them on the prone warrior lounging on the bed.

Phillips, Harry Fullett, John Coleman, Gene Francar, Aaron Graham, Joe Toft, Jim Nims, Richard Hahner, James Borden, Charles Gutensohn, Robert Nieves, Mike Fredericks, Jerry Strickler, Mike McManus, Richard Meyers, Mark Eissler and James McGiveney.

Reluctantly Phillip gave the order for the Sirius to be recaulked, in preparation for her long voyage.

Phillips relaxed his control in the sound booth and let Elvis run loose with his own musical ideas, a blend of Southern blues and rockabilly, a style that was fresh and inspired.

Marjory Phillips started gaun intae a laughin fit n bit her finger tae stoap herself.

Nor does Phillips indulge in excessive feminist polemics or tendentious slanting of events.

Miss Phillips had her choice to remain in town or to go up to the station, and she decided on the former alternative, for she began to fear the station would be very dull, and would contrast unfavourably with the voyage, which had been lively and pleasant.

He brought little treats for the girls, a new unicycle for George, and a series of beautifully bound books for Phillip.