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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Philatelist \Phi*lat"e*list\, n. One versed in philately; one who collects postage stamps, as a hobby or for investment; a stamp collector.


n. A person who collects and studies stamps.


n. a collector and student of postage stamps [syn: stamp collector]

Usage examples of "philatelist".

Purtell Hume, Numismatist, philatelist, dealer in objects of art and curiosities.

Probyn Pybus was a philatelist, but with Sir Probyn philately was rather the hobby of a man who had spent his life in acquiring material things, and who was nearing the end of his possibilities.

Some male relative had been a philatelist so she had kept the envelopes too, but the collector had never come for his stamps which had accumulated in their thousands on envelopes and scraps torn from envelopes.

He smoked his cigar and scrutinized the burning end of it as a philatelist might study a rare stamp.

Bischoff studied it closely, as a philatelist might check an old stamp, and decided it was mint.

A stamp album of American and Asiatic stamps was readily claimed by a philatelist carrying a tommy gun in his right hand.

All these people who sell us information are like that They categorize it, and husband it, and let it go only grudgingly, as a philatelist disposes of bits of his collection, and tries to get rid of the dud stamps first.

One need not be a philatelist to know the difference between Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II.

We slept together in the same tent at night as we followed a string of lakes, strung like a rosary, through the thick, humming forests where black bears hustled their cubs away from the shoreline when our canoe appeared and moose observed us as calmly as philatelists when we moved past their quiet foraging in deep water.