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MIT degrees
Many profs' degs
Dissertation writers' prizes
Writers of theses, briefly
These defended theses
Successful dissertation defenders
Some univ. conferrals
Some MIT bestowals
Some grad students' goals
Some doctors, academically
Scholars of high degree
Profs, usually
Professors' degs
Ones who got the third degree
Ones who get a third degree
Most profs
Many university profs
Many professors' degrees: Abbr
Many pharma employees, for short
Many faculty members, in brief
Many engineers
Many Economics Nobelists
Major academic achievements
Lifelong student's collection, for short
Highest university degrees: Abbr
High degrees: Abbr
High degrees (abbr.)
Hard-earned degs
Hard-earned degrees
Graduation day conferrals
Goals of some candidates
Full profs usually hold them
Doctorate degrees
Degs. that result in jobs, eventually, I hope
Degs. for profs
Degrees that often come after MAs: Abbr
Degrees of profs
Degrees held by many professors: Abbr
Degrees for many profs
Degrees after M.A.s
Classics degrees, e.g
Candidates seek them: Abbr
All Economics Nobelists of 2010
Advanced degrees, for short
Advanced college degs
Achievements of Henry Kissinger and Martin Luther King Jr., in brief
Academic degrees for which the candidates' hood color is dark blue (abbr.)
Academia designations