The PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI) - Rajasthan is a trade and industry body of Rajasthan state in India. It is a non-government, not-for-profit industry-led and industry-managed organization, which claims to play a role in industrial development processes. ''PHDCCI ''has a membership of over 120 industries and entrepreneurs from the private and public sectors. It is authorized by the Government of India to issue Certificates of Origin for the products of exports and to issue recommendations for visas. PHDCCI has a presence in Rajasthan in the areas of trade, industry, mining and tourism. It is headquartered in the city of Jaipur and has members from all over Rajasthan.
PHDCCI claims to work with the government on policy issues through a range of specialized services and national linkages. It claims to provide a platform for sectoral consensus building and networking, to have an emphasis on projecting a positive image of business, and to assist industry to identify and execute corporate citizenship programmes.