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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Pharmaceutic \Phar`ma*ceu"tic\ (f[aum]r`m[.a]*s[=u]"t[i^]k), Pharmaceutical \Phar`ma*ceu"tic*al\ (-t[i^]*kal), a. [L. pharmaceuticus, Gr. farmakeytiko`s, fr. farmakey`ein: cf. F. pharmaceutique. See Pharmacy.] Of or pertaining to the knowledge or art of pharmacy, or to the art of preparing medicines according to the rules or formulas of pharmacy; as, pharmaceutical preparations. -- Phar`ma*ceu"tic*al*ly, adv.

Pharmaceutical chemistry, that department of chemistry which ascertains or regulates the composition of medicinal substances.


adv. In a pharmaceutical manner.

Usage examples of "pharmaceutically".

Although Tito was the eldest of the original Slut Puppies by ten years, the press clippings indicated he had no trouble keeping pace, socially or pharmaceutically, with the other band members.

The primitive Tyrlanians were avid for simple tools and weapons of metal, paying exorbitantly in the furs, gems, and pharmaceutically useful juices which made this planet worth the attention of the Polesotechnic League.

After he’d had a few girls up to his room – none of Bernice’s business, and they’d been quiet enough, apart from some pharmaceutically induced giggling and a lot of understandable moans – she’d manifested her views on consensual sex by making a bonfire of all Jimmy’s jockey shorts.