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pharmaceutical company

n. a company that makes and sells pharmaceuticals [syn: drug company, pharma]

Usage examples of "pharmaceutical company".

It was all steel and glassmore like an investment bank than a pharmaceutical company.

Every time Quentin looked at the photo of Robyn on his desk he saw in the glass the reflection of a tired middle-aged man, grown heavy in body and spirit, and weighted by the same dull routine of running a midsize pharmaceutical company.

During World War II, Blanchard was one of the few manufacturers selected to make penicillin, which elevated it to a pharmaceutical company.

We have the only Level-5 facility in existence, and our safety record is the best of any pharmaceutical company in the world.

He had presided over the collapse of the ninth largest pharmaceutical company in the world.

I don't know how they put up with him at that pharmaceutical company for five years!

Searle pharmaceutical company (now owned by Pharmacia) and General Instrument (now owned by Motorola).

The Schering-Plough pharmaceutical company contributed $50,000-perhaps as a thank-you for the bill he had introduced that would have extended the company&rquo.