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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Pharmaceutic \Phar`ma*ceu"tic\ (f[aum]r`m[.a]*s[=u]"t[i^]k), Pharmaceutical \Phar`ma*ceu"tic*al\ (-t[i^]*kal), a. [L. pharmaceuticus, Gr. farmakeytiko`s, fr. farmakey`ein: cf. F. pharmaceutique. See Pharmacy.] Of or pertaining to the knowledge or art of pharmacy, or to the art of preparing medicines according to the rules or formulas of pharmacy; as, pharmaceutical preparations. -- Phar`ma*ceu"tic*al*ly, adv.

Pharmaceutical chemistry, that department of chemistry which ascertains or regulates the composition of medicinal substances.


a. pharmaceutical


adj. of or relating to pharmacy or pharmacists; "the pharmaceutical industry" [syn: pharmaceutical]

Usage examples of "pharmaceutic".

It has unquestionably helped to teach wise people that nature heals most diseases without help from pharmaceutic art, but it continues to persuade fools that art can arrest them all with its specifics.

It was not by his pharmaceutic prescriptions that he gained his great name.