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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Phanariot \Pha*nar"i*ot\, n. Also Phanariote \Pha*nar"i*ote\ One of the Greeks of Constantinople who after the Turkish conquest became powerful in clerical and other offices under Turkish patronage.

Usage examples of "phanariot".

They were both of them older than he had been when he first came to the city in the retinue of the great Phanariot merchant-prince George Mavrocordato.

Greek dragoman linked to one of the Phanariot merchant houses, an imam looking exactly as he had looked fifteen years before, when Palewski had had a discussion with him on the history of the idea of the transmigration of souls.

Bulgarian tsars and saints, rebukes his fellow-countrymen for allowing themselves to be called Greeks, and denounces the arbitrary proceedings of the Phanariot prelates.