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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1927, from comb. form of phallus + -centric.


a. Focused on the phallus, especially as a symbol of male dominance; characterised by male attitudes, focused on men. (from 20th c.)

Usage examples of "phallocentric".

Postmodern experience no longer conforms to the print-centered, phallocentric paradigm of a distanced, objectifying, linear, and perspectival vision.

So for the good of the environment, and the bank accounts of several well-placed individuals, private ownership of vehicles was labeled un-American, elitist, racist, wasteful, phallocentric, and just plain bad.

With its focus on physiology rather than the holistic sexual landscape, Viagra continues to subordinate female sexuality to a phallocentric model, creating yet another reason for women to feel responsible, unsexy, inadequate, and guilty, rather than fed up and underserved, when their penis-pill-popping partners leave them unsatisfied.

Claudia, amused that even he, her unique and illusive stranger, was prone to the same phallocentric notions as the most common of men.

His shame at what she might on the other hand perceive as his slimy phallocentric conduct toward her made it easier for him to avoid her, as well.

Barbie might be seen as the most obviously reductive and phallocentric reduction of the mother to an archetype of sexual function and availability, the Barbie as image of the Oedipal mother as image.

Postmodern experience no longer conforms to the print-centered, phallocentric paradigm of a distanced, objectifying, linear, and perspectival vision.