In the seventeenth century, a wealth family of bourgeois origins named Petrasch emerged to some prominence in Moravia, near Brno. In the latter part of the century, seeking excitement, two scions of the family, Ernst Anton (b. 1680) and Maximilian (b. 1668), joined the Habsburg military and served in the border campaigns against the Ottoman Empire. Eventually, the brothers acquired distinction in such actions as the Battle of Lugos and the Uskok War they came to the notice of such commanders as Prince Eugene of Savoy, General Claudius Florimund Mercy, and the Louis, the Duke of Baden. The brothers achievements which continued in the military careers of their sons; by the latter third of the eighteenth century, the descendants of both brothers had acquired the title of Freiherr in the county of Moravia. In 1722, the titles of both brothers were converted from a Bohemian dignity to a Hungarian one.