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petered out

vb. (en-pastpeter out)

Usage examples of "petered out".

Brent was gone a considerable time but returned to say the lead had petered out.

Reynolds was hidden behind a huge boulder which afforded perfect concealment both from the far side of the bridge and from the bank on the far side up to the point where it petered out: it did not offer concealment from the dam.

Occasionally, there were tantalizing hints of pathways which they were able to walk along comfortably for a while, but all of them petered out into the prevailing confusion.

The market was to their south now: they were above the point where the vegetables and shellfish and overripe fruit petered out.

While the talks petered out, the little Princess Marie died in Paris, eliminating the proposed marriage.

Eventually the discussion petered out and all eyes were on Sarah again.

That would be the whole point of the story, really - that in the end nothing happened, and it petered out into silence.

The wipers could not keep up with it, even on high, and the headlights petered out after twenty feet.

They scanned the terrain to the south, where the forest petered out at the northerly end of a series of terraced orchards, searching for movement.

She went nearly two-thirds of the scout's length, and there the path petered out.