Pet food is plant or animal material intended for consumption by pets. Typically sold in pet stores and supermarkets, it is usually specific to the type of animal, such as dog food or cat food. Most meat used for nonhuman animals is a byproduct of the human food industry, and is not regarded as "human grade".
Four companies— Procter & Gamble, Nestlé, Mars, and Colgate-Palmolive—are thought to control 80% of the world's pet-food market, which in 2007 amounted to US$ 45.12 billion for cats and dogs alone.
Usage examples of "pet food".
She turned nervously and looked at the admissions counter, the racks of specialized pet food and other products.
And we don't need to kill them anyway 'cos they only make pet food and stuff.
And InGen will engineer them so that these pet dinosaurs can only eat InGen pet food.
The villagers did not rush out with hammers and knives and threaten to make pet food of him if he did not make himself scarce.
She actually licked her lips like the cat in the television advertisement for pet food.
They wouldn't be able to see how running a pet food factory profitably can be efficient when pet food isn't important.
They've got to fly long distances to do their own hunting or accept the equivalent of pet food from their masters.
How else would she know that Miss Chalmers eats frozen dinners or that Mr Hassell's group of stray cats consumes more than forty cans of pet food a week?