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a. Of or pertaining to perspective

Usage examples of "perspectival".

In technical terms, the perspectival rendering of a scene is a projection of the scene from an eyepoint, as sectioned by the plane of the canvas.

In trying to deal with these problems I have tried to deal with three main aspects of my own contemporary reality that seem to me to point the way out of the methodological or perspectival difficulties I have been discussing, difficulties that might force one, in the first instance, into writing a coarse polemic on so unacceptably general a level of description as not to be worth the effort, or in the second instance, into writing so detailed and atomistic a series of analyses as to lose all track of the general lines of force informing the field, giving it its special cogency.

Postmodern experience no longer conforms to the print-centered, phallocentric paradigm of a distanced, objectifying, linear, and perspectival vision.

Once one has learned to take the role of other, that capacity is not lost (except under the severest pathologies), and so no matter how much the adult "regresses," the recovered "memories" are recovered in an intersubjective and perspectival space, which then instantly and automatically interprets them from that space, and then reads them back into childhood as if they were accurate and indelible photographs of the original occasion, even if children at that age show no evidence whatsoever of being able to do any of this (not to mention present anxieties heavily misinterpreting past imprints as ritual satanic abuse and UFO abductionanother story altogether, and one I will not enter at this point: I am now discussing "recapturing" of "highly spiritual" early "experiences," which are, I claim, not primarily unadulterated past actuals, but mostly reconstituted past actuals).