A personal account is an account for use by an individual for that person's own needs. It is a relative term to differentiate them from those accounts for corporate or business use. The term "personal account" may be used generically for financial accounts at banks and for service accounts such as accounts with the phone company, or even for e-mail accounts.
Usage examples of "personal account".
Luria, A R The Making of Mind: A personal account of Soviet psychology, Harvard University Press, 1979.
In the confusion, no undue interest was aroused in the little Swiss town of Aarlau, north of Berne, when various sums amounting to a total of thirteen million US dollars were credited that afternoon to the personal account, in a small private bank, of a French citizen, Charles Auguste Pol.
I also opened a personal account for you at the same bank here's your checkbook with another 25 grand 20 in an HK treasury bill on a daily rollover.
Rosswell's personal account showed regular deposits over the last two months of ten thousand a pop.
On Lady Cecelia's personal account, not the yacht account, I will need to select personal weapons for her.
On Tuesday morning he activated the loan papers and deposited the funds in Broll's personal account.
So, along with his scholarly project, he had kept a personal account of treasure clues.
Security concerns have deferred public recognition, but I hope you realize you've earned a personal account of honor with the Imperium of great depth, which you may draw upon at need and at will.
Thuriens had no concept of secrecy, and bulletins detailing progress were produced regularly, but Garuth and the others wanted to hear Hunt and Danchekker's personal account.
Anything you choose to buy, I'll simply charge against my personal account-and you can pay me cash.