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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Persian \Per"sian\, a. [From Persia: cf. It. Persiano. Cf. Parsee, Peach, Persic.] Of or pertaining to Persia, to the Persians, or to their language.

Persian berry, the fruit of Rhamnus infectorius, a kind of buckthorn, used for dyeing yellow, and imported chiefly from Trebizond.

Persian cat. (Zo["o]l.) Same as Angora cat, under Angora.

Persian columns (Arch.), columns of which the shaft represents a Persian slave; -- called also Persians. See Atlantes.

Persian drill (Mech.), a drill which is turned by pushing a nut back and forth along a spirally grooved drill holder.

Persian fire (Med.), malignant pustule.

Persian powder. See Insect powder, under Insect.

Persian red. See Indian red (a), under Indian.

Persian wheel, a noria; a tympanum. See Noria.


Persian \Per"sian\, n.

  1. A native or inhabitant of Persia.

  2. The language spoken in Persia.

  3. A thin silk fabric, used formerly for linings.

  4. pl. (Arch.) See Persian columns, under Persian, a.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1400, percynne (adj.), Old English Perse (n.), both from Latin *Persianus (the adjective via Old French persien), from Persia "Persia" (see Persia). First record of Persian cat is from 1785.


Persian may refer to:

  • People and things from Iran, historically called "Persia" in the English language
    • Persians, the majority ethnic group in Iran, not to be conflated with the Iranian peoples
    • Persian language, an Iranian language of the Indo-European family spoken by Persians
      • Persian alphabet, a writing system which is quite similar to Arabic Alphabet.
  • People and things from the historical Persian Empire, a series of dynastic states centred on modern Iran
    • Persian carpet, an essential part of Persian art and culture
Persian (roll)

A Persian is an oval-shaped, cinnamon-bun-like sweet roll with a sweet, pink icing made of either raspberries or strawberries. It is credited to have originated at Bennett's Bakery in and remains particular to the former city of Port Arthur, Ontario, Canada. The city is now known as Thunder Bay after its amalgamation with Fort William in 1970. It is sometimes confused with a Pershing or a Persian bun which are regional items in parts of the United States but are a completely different baked good made with doughnut batter as opposed to being a sweet roll.

Usage examples of "persian".

Persian Government, General Quinan, who was commanding in Iraq, had been ordered on July 22 to be ready to occupy the oil refinery at Abadan and the oilfields, together with those two hundred and fifty miles farther north near Khanaqin.

In the first half of the 18th century, when Bushire was an unimportant fishing village, it was selected by Nadir Shah as the southern port of Persia and dockyard of the navy which he aspired to create in the Persian Gulf, and the British commercial factory of the East India Company, established at Gombrun, the modern Bander Abbasi, was transferred to it in 1759.

Still one of the spawn of the Persian Ochus, or are the Achaemenians gone, for far is it to the days of Ochus.

The southwest corner of Anshan contains the Persian highlands, whose clan leader was Cyrus the Achaemenid, hereditary lord of Anshan.

That term was a Greek bastardization of the Persian province of Fars, the homeland of the old Achaemenid dynasty.

Nadir Shah of Persia began in just such a cave of Adullam, and lived to plunder Delhi with a host of Persians and Afghans.

Procopius, speaking of the sacred fire of the Persians, says expressly, that it was the very same which in aftertimes the Romans worshipped, and called the fire of Hestia, or Vesta.

Other dye-stuffs, such as fustic, Persian berries and Alizarine yellow, are best dyed on a basic chrome mordant, which is effected when tartar or oxalic acid is the assistant mordant used, or when some other form of chrome compound than bichrome is employed.

Skandagupta in ways that the Andhran and Persian and Roman wars had never done.

From the pylon top of the temple of Isis that overlooked the courts of that of Ptah and the gilded stable of the bull Apis, with my own eyes I saw the Persians, for in this business the Greeks would have no hand, drag out the sacred beast whom they held to be a god of the Egyptians, though in truth he was but the emblem of the god, or rather of the generating power that is in Nature, and butcher it with jeers and mockery.

Early and Middle Persian, hieroglyphics and cuneiform and Aramaic, classical and modern Arabic, the usual knowledge of Greek and Hebrew and Latin and the European tongues, Hindi where relevant and all sciences where necessary for his work.

These creations of Persian and Dialist architectonics can still be found embedded in several pieces of Internecine real estate.

The front line of the crowd consisted of Roman officials, Persian noblemen and Axumite troop leaders.

The short wave foreign service broadcast in Arabic, Azeri Turkish, English, French, German, Hebrew, Kurdish, Persian, Russian, Spanish, and Urdu.

Thirdly, we have unquestionable proofs that, during the period from the Babylonish captivity to the advent of Christ, the Jews borrowed and adapted a great deal from the Persian theology, but no proof that the Persians took any thing from the Jewish theology.