The Collaborative International Dictionary
Usage examples of "persei".
This could be intended to show us that Gamma Persei has a binary star system - that is, two stars or suns relatively close together.
Some five thousand million years ago the sun - like Gamma Persei and all the rest of the 130,000 million twinkling stars in our galaxy alone - was conceived in a sensuous, swirling mass of plasma through a galactic intercourse of the elements.
To send a signal to Gamma Persei, for example, would take 113 years, and a reply would take just as long to come back.
Process the star-position coordinates and relate them to Gamma Persei so that the correct identification signals can be produced in subsequent information exchanges, should they take place.
Could it be that If (Gamma) Persei has five planets and that the probe came from one of them?
A likely method for ships leaving a star system like Gamma Persei would be one advocated by Professor Freeman Dyson.
He suggests that by maneuvering a vehicle so that it passes between two stars, such as those of the second component of Gamma Persei, one might find a free source of energy in the gravitational field that could create an enormous "slingshot" effect.
You’ll join the main force at our staging area around Iota Persei in sixteen hours.
My plan had been to field a weaker force, so we’d lose at Iota Persei or wherever we fought the enemy.
With a hundred kilometers down, she had only thirty-four light years to go until she'd be safe in the Iota Persei system.
They rolled out on a long runway bleached white in the Sun—or rather, Iota Persei, she reminded herself—and she squinted against the glare.
It contained a detailed description of the Iota Persei system, including planets, satellites, planetoids, habitats and resources, among other things.
Iota Persei was brighter than the Sun and beat down through the clear, dry air like a hammer on an anvil.
The larger and less sharply delineated one seemed to slouch against the crimson and yellow expanses of the Beta Cassiopeiae and Theta Persei Sectors, about forty percent of the way around the spheroid and considerably higher.
Now they had departed the sector and entered a starless gulf beyond which lay Theta Persei, capital system of the sector of the same name.