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a. (obsolete spelling of perplexed English)

Usage examples of "perplext".

In the same intricate, perplext distress, The cruel hand of fate, that has destroyed They brother Marcus, whom we both lament-- Marcia.

As I turn those pages, As fresh as in the primal ages, As day by day I scan, perplext, The ever subtly changing text, I feel that I am slowly growing To think no other work worth knowing.

It is not we only, you and I, who look into the still waters of the wilderness and lonely places, and are often dimly perplext, are often troubled we know not how or why: some forgotten reminiscence in us is aroused, some memory, not our own, but yet our heritage is perturbed, footsteps that have immemorially sunk in ancient dusk move furtively along obscure corridors in our brain, the ancestral hunter or fisher awakes, the primitive hillman or woodlander communicates again with old forgotten intimacies and the secret oracular things of lost wisdoms.

Camilla sought to sooth her, but was so amazed, so fearful, and so perplext, she scarce knew what either to say or to think.